The biggest story to come out of London fashion week has to be Mark Fast using plus size models on the cat walk, the daring knitwear designer decided to put US size 8-10 on the catwalk. This caused meltdown with both his stylist and his creative director walking out just three days before the show, but thankfully he found 2 women to replace them and save the day! Fast has now created and photographic exhibition entitled "all walks beyond the catwalk" which features models aged 18-65 in garments that are sizes 8-16. i personally believe this is a fantastic idea and that plus size models should be used not just in Mark fast's designs. Its showing girls that you dont have to be thin to be beautiful, and these models deffinately proved that as they were all gorgeous! Its giving teenage girls more hope and showing them that all theses size 0 celebs, yes they might be gorgeous but bigger girls are just as beautiful and im glad that Mark is giving girls the oppertunity to show that because every page you open up in a magazine there are celebs with petite frames and yes im sure noone would say no to having Cherly coles body but until they invent a diet where you can eat as much choclate as you want and still maintane the tiny body then sorry girls its going to have to be hitting the gym. The models we see on runways just look like skeletons and these plus size models really gave them a run for there money and i really wish more designers would use Marks idea because girls especially young teenage girls wont feel the need to look like skeletons! So just remember, big girls you are beautiful!