Now this is my kind of catwalk, choclate choclate choclate! Yes you heard right the geniuses in paris decided to hold a choclate catwalk, and oh no no no your wrong in thinking that there were just chocolate buttons, oh no there was hats, jackets and even crinoline skirts! This really is something you could get your teeth into! The model pictured to the right of the text is Laetitia Rey, who wore a chocolate-studded ensemble by lingerie designer Eva Racheline and chocolate manufacturer Magnum, she looked a treat that had been unwrapped for the occasion thanks to the added touch of the silver foil. In a corset, suspenders and crinoline skirt, a chocolate disc balanced atop her head completed the look, if you look closely enough you can see that her suspenders are made out of magnum ice cream sticks, very unique indeed! Obviously not all the clothes were made out of choclate as that would have been very sickly! And if theres any left over choclate thats going spare then i'll be happy to take it off there hands, preferably dairy milk choclate, not dark! Thanks.
That is sooooo awesome-best of both worlds,chocolate and fashion,best ticket in town;)